Category: WOD

  • Thursday 11.5.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Press Complex (6x Push Press+Push Jerk + Split Jerk @70%) **take from rack WOD “2min Drill” 2min at each movement, with 1min rest after each AMRAP 10 Power Snatches, max Burpees 15 Push Jerks max HSPU 20 HR Push Ups, max Air Squats 20 HR Push Ups, max Air Squats 15 Push […]

  • Wednesday 11.4.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Seated Box Jumps (Bound over PVC for max height ) Sit on box at knee height **Score total inches WOD 1 “Panic Breathing” 500-400-300-200-100 Meters Rowed Rest 1:1 **Score total time WOD 2 “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-ups OR “Flight Simulator” Unbroken Dubs 10,20,30,40,50,40,30,20,10  

  • Tuesday 11.3.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Front Box Squat (6×3 @ 70%, below parallel ) WOD “Bergeron Beep Test” EMOM for as long as possible 7 Thrusters (75,55) 7 Pullups 7 Burpees **15 min MINIMUM work requirement. If you fail before the 15 min mark, drop reps by 1 and continue on. If you can’t do the 7s […]

  • Monday 11.2.15 WOD

    ME Upper Strength Thruster (1RM, take from rack) WOD “Whoomp! There It Is” 50 Calorie Row 50 Axle Bar Deadlifts (225,155) 50 Wall Balls (20,14) 50 HSPU **20min time cap, if you do not complete score 20:00 and remaining reps in comments $ Out Pump Sesh: 5min AMRAP 10 DB Curls 10 Push Ups  

  • Sunday 11.1.15 WOD

    Welcome to RowVember! Over the month of November row as many meters as you can, score your meters on the whiteboard Click Here to learn more Don’t Forget: Running Clinic 12-2pm @ ML Explosive Strength In 10min Complete 2 x 500m Row Score Fastest time, rest as needed WOD “Truly Madly Deeply” 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Hang Cleans […]

  • Saturday 10.31.15 WOD

    ZombieFit: Halloween WOD & Party Saturday 10.31.15, 8:30 & 9:30am WODs Octoberfest Beers and Halloween donuts to celebrate the end of the Lifestyle Challenge WOD “Happy Halloween” Partner Up! 400m Run 31 Box Jumps (24,20) 31 K2E 31 Goblet Squats (70,55) 31 HR Push Ups 31 Body Weight Lunges (L+R=2) 31 Jumping Pull Ups 31 […]

  • Friday 10.30.15 WOD

    ZombieFit: Halloween WOD & Party Saturday 10.31.15, 8:30 & 9:30am WODs Come dressed up Friday and/or Saturday to WOD! Max Effort Upper Mobility Strength Bent Over Row (5RM) WOD “15min Capacity Test” 5min max Cal Row 4min max Pull Ups 3min max STOH (135,95) 2min max KB Swings (70,55) 1min Max Front Squat (135,95) **Score total […]

  • Thursday 10.29.15 WOD

    Announcement ZombieFit: Halloween WOD & Party Saturday 10.31.15, 8:30 & 9:30am WODs Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility Strength Front Box Squat (6×3@ 65%) WOD “Bit-O-Honey” 5 x 3min AMRAPs 150 yard shuttle sprint 3 Bar Muscle Ups Max Man Makers (45,25) 1min Rest **Score total Man Makers **Scale MU to Jumping MU $ Out 4×12 Steps to […]

  • Wednesday 10.28.15 WOD

    Announcement ZombieFit: Halloween WOD & Party Saturday 10.31.15, 8:30 & 9:30am WODs Explosive Strength Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Day 28 Strength 3 Position Snatch (Build to a heavy) **Ground, below knee, high hang WOD 1 Hanging “Isabel” 30 Hang Snatches @ 1/2 Body Weight **If not body weight, scale to a moderate weight. WOD 2 “Milk […]

  • Tuesday 10.27.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility Strength Press Complex (65% x6, Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk) **Take from rack, work at 65% 1RM push press WOD “CrossFit Games Open 14.4” 14-Minute AMRAP: 60 Calorie Row 50 Toes-To-Bars 40 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# 30 Cleans, 135# / 95# 20 Muscle-ups **1MU = 2 C2B + […]