Category: WOD

  • Monday 10.26.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Day 26 Strength Clean From Blocks (1RM, bar below knee) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar WOD “Pop Rocks” 10 x 75sec. Rounds 5 Box Jumps (30,24) 10 OH Lunges (95,65) AMRAP Ring Dips 30sec. Rest **Rx+ use fat bar (25) **Score total […]

  • Sunday 10.25.15 WOD

    Announcement Barbell Club Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15 Explosive Strength Mobility Strength Tall Snatch (in 10min build to a heavy) **Be aggressive in the 3rd pull, under the bar WOD “Chiclets” 30-20-10 Back Squat (135, 95) Alternating Leg Split Jerk (135,95) **14min time cap $ Out 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Assault Bike for Cals 2 x Situps _____________________________________ Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 […]

  • Saturday 10.24.15 WOD

    Announcement Barbell Club Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15 Mobility WOD Partner Up! “Tag Team Title” Teams of 2 5 min AMRAP 5 KB Goblet Squats (55,35) 5 KB Swings (55,35) 5 min AMRAP 7 Push Press (95,65) 7 SDHP (95,65) 5 min AMRAP 10 Squats 10 Push Ups 5 min AMRAP 7 Box Jumps (24,20) 7  Pull […]

  • Friday 10.23.15 WOD

    Announcement Barbell Club Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15 Max Effort Lower Mobility Strength Back Rack Lunge (20RM, L+R=2) WOD “Howl-O-Scream” 4 Rounds 2 Rope Climbs 200m Sprint 8 Alt. DB Squat Snatches (60,35) 200m Sprint **You must pass through the bottom of the OHS squat $ Out Row Meters: 500-400-300-200-100 Rest 1:1 ___________________________________ Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15 […]

  • Thursday 10.22.15 WOD

    Announcement Barbell Club @ ML Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15 Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility Strength Hang Clean (5×3 High Hang Clean @ 75%) **Every 2min. This is not meant to be a TNG off the quad. Stop and reset each high hang clean WOD “The Decent” 4 Rounds 21 Bounds (24,20) 15 Hang Power Snatch (115,75) 9 Double […]

  • Wednesday 10.21.15 WOD

    Jean - Wayne

    Explosive Strength Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Day 21 Warm-up Jumping Warm Up + Agility Ladder WOD “Unfriended” 25 Rounds 1 Deadlift 2 Hang Cleans 3 Push Jerks 4 Back Squats **85,55 across all movements *Every time the bar touches the ground complete 5 Burpee Bar Hops, DL TNG does not count **35min time cap $ […]

  • Tuesday 10.20.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Day 20 Mobility Strength Overhead Squat ( 6×3 w/ earth quake bar @ 30% + 25%hanging) **Use band to hang KBs + metal plates from bar WOD “Helen” 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-ups $ Out 3 Rounds 12 […]

  • Monday 10.19.15 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Mobility Strength Bench Press (3RM, narrow grip) **Hands inside gnarling WOD “Paranormal Activity” 12min AMRAP 1:00 DB Thrusters (35,25) 1:00 Box Jumps (30,24) 2:00 DB Thrusters 2:00 Box Jumps 3:00 DB Thrusters 3:00 Box Jumps $ Out 75 Heavy Banded Ab Crunches __________________________________ Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15 Click Here for more details […]

  • Sunday 10.18.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Mobility ***5min Mandatory Rest Between workouts **40min total time cap **Score time of each individual workout WOD 1 “Ascending “Elizabeth”” 9-15-21 Cleans (135,95) Ring dips WOD 2 “Trick r’ Treat” 3 Rounds 12 T2B 12 Push Jerks (135,95) 12 Box Jumps (24,20) WOD 3 “Don’t Look Under The Bed…..” 3 Rounds 10 GTOH […]

  • Saturday 10.17.15 WOD

     Mobility WOD “2015 CrossFit Team Series Event 5” In Teams Complete: “Karen” 150 Wallballs (20,14) “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerks (135,95) “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225,155) HSPU “Randy” 75 Snatches (75,55) **Teams can consist of 2-4 Athletes **You must complete 1 WOD before moving to the next **Score total time, 40min time cap $ Out Have […]