Category: WOD

  • Friday 10.16.15 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Mobility Day 16 Strength Shoulder Press (1RM from split position ) WOD “Fun Size” 18min AMRAP 5 Cal Assault Bike/Row 10 Toes Through Rings 15 KB Power Swings (55,35) $ Out 4min Tabata Sit Ups with feet anchored 4min Tabata Supermen _____________________________________ Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15 Click Here […]

  • Thursday 10.15.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Day 15 Mobility Strength Overhead Squat (6×3 w/ earthquake bar @ 25% + 25% hanging) WOD “Hocus Pocus” 5 x 3min AMRAPs 3 Power Cleans (135,95) 6 Front Squats (135,95) 9 HR Push Ups 1min Rest **Rx+ (155,105) **Each AMRAP pick up where you left off, score total rounds […]

  • Wednesday 10.14.15 WOD

    This Week! Mon: Fresh Meal Plan @ R5, chicken & waffles Wed: WheyCo @ R5, dispenser install Thur: Fresh Meal Plan @ ML, chicken & waffles Explosive Strength Mobility Strength Squat Clean (EMOM for 12min x1 @ 80%) WOD 1/2 “Kevin” 3 Rounds 16 Deadlifts (185,115) 16 Hanging Hip Touches 400m Run with DBs (10,5) **Rx+ Run […]

  • Tuesday 10.13.15 WOD

    This Week! Mon: Fresh Meal Plan @ R5, chicken & waffles Wed: WheyCo @ R5, dispenser install Thur: Fresh Meal Plan @ ML, chicken & waffles Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Mobility day 13 Strength Hang Power Clean (5×5 @ 70%, high hang) Complete Every 90sec. WOD Isabel (Time) For Time:  30 Snatches, 135# / 95# […]

  • Monday 10.12.15 WOD

    This Week! Mon: Fresh Meal Plan @ R5, chicken & waffles Wed: WheyCo @ R5, dispenser install Thur: Fresh Meal Plan @ ML, chicken & waffles Max Effort Lower WOD Lifestyle Challenge – Mobility Day 12 Strength Box Squats (3RM) WOD “Grace” For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks (135,95) $ Out Accumulate 4min in Side Planks **Rotate […]

  • Sunday 10.11.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Mobility Strength Snatch (EMOM 5min x3 TNG + heavy) EMOM for 5min Complete 3 TNG @ 70%, then in 3 attempts build to a heavy **Score heavy WOD “The Bride of Frankenstein” — On a running clock — In 6min Complete: 800m run Max Body Weight Deadlifts In 5min Complete: 600m Run Max 1/2 […]

  • Saturday 10.10.15 WOD

    Mobilty Teams of 2 30min AMRAP “Nate” 2 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU 8 KB Swings (70,55) **Rotate partners every round **Score total rounds + reps **MUs:  Ring or Bar **MU Modifications: 2MU = 4 C2B + 4 Push Ups or 2MU = 2 Jumping Bar MUs Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February […]

  • Friday 10.9.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Mobility Strength Sumo Deadlift (1RM, Ultra Wide Stance) **stance = x2 squat WOD “The House of the Devil” 5 Rounds 1 Rope Climb 12 Toes to Bar 1 Rope Climb 12 KB Squat Clean (45,35) **1 rope climb = 2 modifications **Rotate arms as needed $ Out 3×15 Tempo Sit Ups 3-1-1-1 3sec […]

  • Thursday 10.8.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility Strength Hang Power Clean (5×5 @ 60%) **High hang WOD “The Shinning” Happy 52nd Birthday Mike Shine! 400m Run 26 Power Clean (155,105) 26 Back Squats (155,105) 400m Run 26 Power Snatches (115,75) 26 Thrusters (115,75) **20min strict time cap $ Out 4×20 Kneeling banded oblique twist **video shows standing, do not […]

  • Wednesday 10.7.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Mobility Lifestyle Challenge – Mobility Day 7 Skill Review 10min Double Under Clinic WOD “Burner V2” 1500m Row 150 Dubs (x3) 50 Burpees 1000m Row 100 Dubs (x3) 35 Burpees 500m Row 50 Dubs (x3) 20 Burpees $ Out 100 Flutter Kicks (L+R=2) _____________________________________ Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15 Click Here for more […]