Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 9.16.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD Mike Worth’s 42nd Birthday Complex! **Celebrate with Mike at the 12 noon ML class, beat him in his Birthday WOD and he will make you a gin and tonic on the spot!** 200m Run 2 Complexes 400m Run 4 Complexes 600m Run 6 Complexes 800m Run 8 Complexes 1000m Run 10 Complexes […]

  • Tuesday 9.15.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Clean (5,5,3,3,2,2,1,1 @ 75% 1RM) **Score 2×5 **Do not TNG, reset each lift **Complete as EMOM WOD “Jackie” For Time: 1000m Row 50 Thrusters (45,35) 30 Pull-ups $ Out 20-18-16-14-12-10 V-Ups Announcement Sunday 9.19.15 – “The Other CrossFit Total” 1RM: Clean, OHS, Bench Press  

  • Monday 9.14.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Good Mornings (8RM, taken from rack) WOD “Sake Bomb” 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Front Squats (115,75) STOH **Rx+ = Unbroken (not each movement, the entire WOD) **WOD courtesy of CF Conjugate $ Out PVC Paddeling 3x30sec forward + 30sec backwards  

  • Sunday 9.13.15 WOD

    WOD “The CrossFit Total” 1RM Back Squat 1RM Shoulder Press 1RM Deadlift The CrossFit Total There is room on this planet for another approach to testing absolute strength. And it apparently falls on my broad, hairy shoulders to announce the development of a different way to do it. Coach Glassman discussed this with me recently, […]

  • Saturday 9.12.15 WOD

    “The CrossFit Total” Sunday 9.12.15 WOD #1 Teams of 2 6-12-18-24 Power Cleans Burpees to a 45# plate **Score time ** At 8min begin workout #2 Age Load: >40 155,105 40-54 135,95 55-59 115,75 WOD #2 Teams of 2 8min AMRAP 50 Wall Balls 30 Snatches Max Pull-ups **Score total reps **At 20min begin workout […]

  • Friday 9.11.15 WOD

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Sunday WOD “Manhattan” 3 Rounds 20 Cal No Legs Assault Bike 18-15-12 Burpees KB Swings (55,35) **No time cap $ Out 1min Middle + 30sec. each side Heavy Band Static Ab Crunch  

  • Thursday 9.10.15 WOD

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Sunday Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Clean (5,5,3,3,2,2,1,1@ 70% 1RM) **These reps are not TNG, reset each at the bottom of each rep. **Perform as EMOM WOD “Ring Row Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters (95,65) Elevated Strict Ring Rows $ Out 100 Barbell Side Bends  

  • Wednesday 9.9.15 WOD

    Noel - Ardmore

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Sunday Explosive Strength Skill Work 5 rounds 30sec. Max Dubs 1min. Rest **1 burpee penalty for every rep difference from best to worst set **Score total number of dubs completed each round WOD “Tequila Sunrise” 10 Rounds 200m Run 3 C2B (evens) 3 Bar […]

  • Tuesday 9.8.15 WOD

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for ‘The CrossFit Total” on Sunday Dynamic Effort Lower Box Squats (6×3 @ 75% narrow stance) **Oly receiving stance WOD Happy 27th Birthday Danielle Siravo 27 K2E 27 Squat Snatches (95,65) 27 K2E 27 Hang Cleans (95,65) 27 K2E 27 Back Squats (95,65) 27 K2E **Come throw down with Danielle […]

  • Monday 9.6.15 WOD

    It officially a tradition! Join us Labor Day Monday for our annual WODing of the “Lumberjack 20” 8:30am & 9:30am WODs **babysitting available at both times No Barbell Club at R5 **NO Max Effort this week, “CrossFit Total” Sunday 9.13.15 (don’t miss it!)** WOD “Lumberjack 20” 20 Deadlifts (275,165) Run 400m 20 Kettlebell swings (70,55) […]