Category: WOD

  • Sunday 9.6.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Plyo Push Ups (Score max height) max height, or 3x max deficit pushups WOD “The Non-Flying Dutchman” EMOM for 15min 3 Pull Ups 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats Max Clean and Jerks (65% 1RM) **Score total clean and jerks **If you fail to complete 1 C&J and a round, rest as needed. […]

  • Saturday 9.5.15 WOD

    Steve and Cori’s Wedding WOD! Congrats, Big day Sunday 9.6.15 WOD “He said, She said….” Teams of 2 45min Time Cap 1. 400m run + 30 WBs (20,14) 2. 30 Thrusters + 30 SDHP (95,65) 3. 30 Sq. Cleans  + 30 STOH (95,65) 4. 3 Rds: 200m Run + 10 P. Snatches (95,65) 5. 40 […]

  • Friday 9.4.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Deadlift (1RM from 2″ blocks + band) WOD “Mellow Johnny” 5 Rounds 400m Run 5 Deadlifts 5 Hang Cleans 5 STOH **135,95 across all movements **Rx+ Use a Fat Bar, (25#) $ Out 3 x 1min Chinese Plank

  • Thursday 9.3.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Clean (5,5,3,3,2,2,1,1 @ 65@ 1RM ) **Score 2×5 weight WOD “The Human Highlight Reel” 25 Box Overs (24,20) 50′ OH DB Lunges (45,35) 25 T2B 25 Box Overs 25 T2B 50′ OH DB Lunges 25 Box Overs –3min Rest– 50 Cal Row Sprint **No time cap $ Out 3×12 Single Arm […]

  • Wednesday 10.2.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Snatch From Blocks (6×2 build across to a moderate weight) **Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar WOD “Big Aristotle” 5 Rounds 7 Squat Snatches (135,95) 14 KB Swings (55,35) $ Out 5×20 Each Side Banded Side Bends ________________________________________________________ Announcement Labor Day Schedule Sunday 9.6.15 No Barbell […]

  • Tuesday 9.1.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Box Squats (6×3 @ 70% , narrow stance) **narrow stance = oly receiving stance WOD “The Flying Dutchman” Burpee + Back Squat Ladder (135,95) Rest 3 minutes Burpee + Deadlift Ladder (225,135) **For the ladder pattern, perform 1 rep of each exercise the first minute, 2 reps of each the second minute, […]

  • Monday 8.31.15 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Muscle Snatch (1RM) WOD “Good & Plenty” 5 Rounds: Row Cal (12,10) + 7 TTB Run 100 Meters + 7 STOH (135,95) **Score time $ Out 100 Heavy Banded Ab Crunches

  • Sunday 8.30.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Warm-up EMOM 10 min 3 Seated Box Jumps 6 Jumping Lunges WOD Happy Birthday Scott Richards Scotts Birthday is on the 232nd Day of the Year. 1min Max Cals on Assault Bike 1min Max Box Jumps (24,20) 1min Max KB Swings (55,35) 1min Max Power Snatches (75,55) 1min Max Bar Muscle Ups 1min […]

  • Saturday 8.29.15 WOD

    Partner Up! WOD “Captain Crunch” Teams of 2 AMRAP 20: 30 Burpee Bar Hops 30 C2B 30 Power Cleans ** Power Clean weight increases each round. Round 1 – 135, 95 Round 2 – 155, 105 Round 3 – 185, 135 Round 4 – 205, 145 Round 5 – AMRAP at 225, 155 $ Out […]

  • Friday 8.28.15 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Front Rack Hold (3 x Max Time @ Body Weight) **Score total seconds of longest hold WOD Happy 24th B-Day WOD Stephanie Siravo! 24,21,18,15,12,9,6,3 Calorie Row Strict Press (75,55) **No time cap **No time cap $ Out 4×18 MB Sit Up and Twist **perform a MB sit up with your feet anchored, […]