Category: WOD

  • Monday 8.17.15 WOD

    Announcement 9.26.15 – Nutrition Seminar & Cooking Demo Only 15 spots remain, Email Max Effort Upper Close Grip Bench (3RM – Less than 10 reps past 50%  ) **Hand inside of gnarling Why Narrow Grip? Shifts emphasis from large muscle of the shoulders and back to the triceps and forearms WOD “Cherry Garcia” 5 Rounds […]

  • Sunday 8.16.15 WOD

    Announcement 9.26.15 – Nutrition Seminar & Cooking Demo Only 15 spots remain Email to reserve yours Explosive Strength Seated Box Jumps (For max height, score total inches) Sit on box at knee height WOD “Snatch Chief” 5 Rounds 3 Min. On 1 Min. Off 3 Power Snatch (135,95) 6 Push-Ups 9 Air Squats Score total […]

  • Saturday 8.15.15 WOD

    9.26.15 – Nutrition Seminar & Cooking Demo Only 15 spots remain! Email to reserve your spot WOD “Thats my Jam!” Teams of 2 AMRAP 5 min. Max 100m sprints AMRAP 5 min. Max Bench Press (115,75) AMRAP 5 min. Max Cal Row AMRAP 5 min. Max T2B or Sit Ups (x2) AMRAP 5 min. […]

  • Friday 8.14.15 WOD

    Announcement 9.26.15 – Nutrition Seminar & Cooking Demo Only 30 spots available! Email to reserve your spot Max Effort Upper Strength Sumo Deadlift High Pull (1RM – Less than 10 reps past 50% ) WOD “Half Baked” 4 Rounds 20 Wall Balls (20,14) Cal Assault Bike (16,14) 200m Run Forward 200m Run Backward $ Out […]

  • Thursday 8.13.15 WOD

    Announcement 9.26.15 – Nutrition Seminar & Cooking Demo Email to attend Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Deadlift (6×3 @ 75% 1RM) **Do not touch and go, control eccentric and concentric motions WOD “Chunky Monkey” 30-20-10 OHS (95,65) DB Snatches (60,45)(L+R+2) $ Out 3 Rounds Plank – 1 Min. Flat + 30 Sec. Each Side  

  • Wednesday 8.12.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD “Mr. Socko” EMOM for 7min Rd. 1 Power Snatch, Rd. 2 Power Clean, Rd. 3 STOH Min. 1 – 7 reps Min. 2 – 6 reps Min. 3 – 5 reps Min. 4 – 4 reps Min. 5 – 3 reps Min. 6 – 2 reps Min. 7 – 1 rep **Increase […]

  • Tuesday 8.11.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Floor Press (9×3 @ 70% 1RM (3×3 Wide, 3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow)) WOD “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95# / 65# Pull-ups $ Out 3 Rounds 20 Cal Assault Bike 20 Sit Ups, weighted 20 Back Extensions  

  • Monday 8.10.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Clean From Blocks (1RM , bar just below knee height) **Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar WOD “3 Double Rankel” 3 Rounds of Double “Rankel” 12 Deadlifts (225,135) 14 Burpee Pull Ups 20 KB Swings (70,55) 400m Run **No time cap U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant John Rankel, […]

  • Sunday 8.9.15 WOD

    Skill Review 10min Forward Roll Practice WOD “Lady and the Tramp” 7 Rounds 50m Sled Push 3 Forward Roll 5 Wall Climbs 7 T2B **30min time cap $ Out 60sec. Max Cal Assault Bike 60sec. Rest 90sec.Max Cal Assault Bike 90sec. Rest 120sec. Max Cal Assault Bike Details at GymnasticsWOD

  • Saturday 8.8.15 WOD

    Partner Up! WOD “Herbie” Teams of 2 20min AMRAP 60 Cal Row, 60 Deadlifts 50 Cal Row, 50 Hang Cleans 40 Calorie Row, 40 Barbell Lunges 30 Calorie Row, 30 STOH 20 Calorie Row, 200 Meter Run ** 155,105 across all barbell movements **Lunges, back racked **Score total reps $ Out Have a great weekend! […]