Category: WOD

  • Weekly Breakdown 10/10/22

    Our 2022 Fall Hoodies are now available for pre-order! Sign up posters are at all 3 locations: Ardmore, Wayne, & Plymouth Meeting. Can’t make it to the gym to order your sweatshirt? E-mail April at and include your name, size, and style desired.THE WEEK AHEAD:Mon: Strength: Power Clean, Split Jerk, Workout: Power Clean & […]

  • Monday 10/10/22

    Strength 1 Power Clean+2 Split Jerk Workout 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME1 Power Clean & Jerk 5 Burpees Over Bar100m Run

  • Sunday 10/9/22

    Stregnth Bench Press Workout 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME25 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups50m Overhead KB Carry (R) 25 Russian KB Swings50m Overhead KB Carry (L)

  • Saturday 10/8/22

    Workout AMRAP x 24 MINUTES40/30 Cal Bike30 Sit-Ups20 Back Rack Alt. Lunges 10 Burpee Box Crawl Overs (Athlete Choice)*

  • Friday 10/7/22

    Strength 1 Power Clean+1 Deep Hang Power Clean Workout 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME50 Double Unders10 Deadlifts 5 Hang Squat Clean & Overhead10 Handstand Push-ups100m Run

  • Thursday 10/6/22

    Workout EMOM x 28 MINUTESMIN 1 – :45 Max Strict Pull-UpsMIN 2 – :45 Cardio Choice (Cals)MIN 3 – :45 Max Toes to BarMIN 4 – :45 DBL KB Static Hold

  • Wednesday 10/5/22

    Strength Front Squat Workout AMRAP x 10 MINUTES1 Rope Climb2 Front Squats 10 Box Jump Overs

  • Tuesday 10/4/22

    Strength 1 Power Snatch+1 Deep Hang Power Snatch Workout 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME15/12 Cal Row7 Power Snatches -Rest 2:00-4 ROUNDS FOR TIME15 Up-Downs Over Bar7 Power Snatches


    ONE THING TO TRY THIS WEEK:Walk More.It’s that simple. Nowadays, everyone has access to a wearable device or mobile App that can count their steps. Set a daily goal for yourself, ideally in the 8,000 to 12,000 step range, and commit to hitting that number every day this week. Or jump into our October Challenge!THE WEEK […]

  • Monday 10/3/22

    Workout Every 5 Minutes x 4 rounds Run 400 meters Bike 30/20 CalsMax Reps Weighted Step-Up