Category: WOD

  • Thursday 4.9.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Back Squat (1×8 @ 50% + 20#) **If you fail to complete the working set stop, do not lower weight and finish WOD “Humpty Dance” 400m Row –Then– 5 Rounds 10 DB Deadlift (60,45) 10 DB Front Squats (60,45) 10 STOH (60,45) –Then– 400m Row **Rx+ 75,55 **You will use x2 DBs. […]

  • Wednesday 4.8.15 WOD

    Gymnastics 15min working on free standing handstand holds or handstand walks WOD Happy 48th Birthday Aileen “Communication Breakdown” 5min AMRAP 4 Hang Squat Snatches (105,65) 8 HSPU –2min Rest– 5min AMRAP 18 Sit Ups 30 Dubs (x3) –2min Rest– 5min AMRAP 4 Hang Squat Snatches (105,65) 8 HSPU **Score total reps of each round **Enjoy […]

  • Tuesday 4.7.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Max Reps 2min ) Strength Ring Dips (Max Reps 2min ) WOD Happy Birthday Coach Daniel! “Danny” 20 minute AMRAP of: 30 Box Jump, 24″ 20 Push Press, 115# 30 Pull-ups In honor of Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of […]

  • Monday 4.6.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Deadlift (3RM – Conventional Grip and Set up) WOD Awful Waffle (Time) 40 Row for Cals 35 Dubs (x2) 30 KB Swings (70/55) 25 HR PushUp 20 Deadlifts (225/145) 15 Hang Power Clean (135/95) 10 STOH (135/95) $ Out 4 x Max Reps – K2E **Max reps without re-gripping (dropping from rig)

  • Sunday 4.5.15 WOD

    Easter Schedule: 8:30am WOD Only Explosive Strength Strength Snatch Complex (Every 90sec. for 8 rounds, build to a heavy) High Hang PS + Hang Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS WOD “Easter” 14min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts 10 Squat cleans 10 Push Press 50′ Back Racked Lunge **95,65 across all movements **Score total round + reps […]

  • Saturday 4.4.15 WOD

    WOD “Perfect 10” Teams of 2 5-4-3-2-1 AMRAP 10 HSPU 10 Hang Cleans (75,55) 10 Wall Balls (20,14) **P1 5min AMRAP, P2 Rest. Then P2 5min AMRAP, P1 Rest. Continue down the AMRAP ladder. P2 picks up where P1 left off. **Score combined rounds + reps of each individual AMRAP. You will have 5 scores […]

  • Friday 4.3.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Hang Clean (1RM – Less than 10 reps past 50%) WOD “Tootsie Roll” 27 Back Squats (135,95) 5 Rope Climbs 21 Back Squats 7 Rope Climbs 15 Back Squats 9 Rope Climbs 9 Back Squats **20min time cap $ Out 50 Barbell Side Bends (L+R=1)  

  • Thursday 4.2.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Press Complex (3×5 Strict Press, 3×5 Push Press, 3×5 Power Jerk)  Work at @ 75% 1RM strict press + 20# **If you fail to complete all of the strict press or push press, stop decrease weight by 5# and continue with 3×5 power jerk WOD “Cha Cha Slide” 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 GTOH w/ DB […]

  • Wednesday 4.1.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Hang Clean (6×3 @ 70% 1RM from blocks) **Use pads to get barbell above knee **Full squat snatch Strength Hang Snatch (6×3 @ 70% 1RM from blocks) **Use pads to get barbell above knee **Full squat snatch WOD “Helen” 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-ups […]

  • Tuesday 3.31.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Back Squat (1×8 @ 50% 1RM + 10#) Warm Up: x8 w/ empty bar x6 @ 25% x4 @ 35% x8 @ 50% + 10# (working set) WOD “Beast of Burden” 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (225,185) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Ring Dips $ Out 100 Banded Crunches