Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 3.10.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Press Complex (@ 75% 1RM strict press + 5#) **3×5 Strict Press, 3×5 Push Press, 3×5 Power Jerk **If you fail to complete all of the strict press or push press, stop decrease weight by 5# and continue with 3×5 power jerk WOD “Doctor Doom” In 20min Complete: 800m Row –“Grace”– 30 […]

  • Monday 3.8.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Paused Back Squat (1RM with 2sec pause ) WOD “Anti-Venom” In 15min Complete 15 Thrusters (135,95) 30 Burpees Over Bar 60 Ab Mat Sit Ups 120 Dubs (x2) **Score time Extra Credit 3×13 DB Leg Raises

  • Sunday 3.8.15 WOD

    (Don’t forget day light saving time starts Saturday 2am. Spring your clocks forward by 1 hour.) Explosive Strength Strength Clean + Push Press (1RM) WOD “Codebreaker” EMOM for 20min 1 Power Clean @ 80% 1RM –In remaining time– Odd: Max Wall Bals Evens: Max Ring Dips **Score total wall balls and ring dips Extra Credit 5×20 […]

  • Saturday 2.7.15 WOD

    WOD Partner “Luke” Teams of 2 400m Row 15 Clean and Jerks (155,105) 400m Row 30 T2B 400m Row 45 Wall Balls (20,14) 400m Row 45 KB Swings (55,35) 400m Row 30 Ring Dips 400m Row 15 Barbell Lunges (155,105)(L+R=2) 400m Row **35min time cap **Reps do not have to be equally shared Extra Credit […]

  • Friday 3.6.15 WOD

    CrossFit Open WOD 15.2 Watch the live announcement. CrossFit Open Weekly Inner Box Battle 15.2 Top Score = $100 Whole Foods Gift Card Check out the rules behind the challenge here If you are registered for The Open please attend the 4:30pm or 5:30pm WOD WOD “CrossFit Games Open 14.2 and 15.2 “ 0:00 – 3:00 2 […]

  • Thursday 3.5.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Press Complex @ 75% Strict Press (3×5 Strict Press, 3×5 Push Press, 3×5 Push Jerk) WOD “Superfly Splash” 21-15-9 OHS (135,95) KB Swings (55,35) Extra Credit 200 Flutter Kicks (L+R=1)

  • Wednesday 3.4.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD “Mr. Socko” EMOM for 7min Rd. 1 Power Snatch, Rd. 2 Power Clean, Rd. 3 STOH Min. 1 – 7 reps Min. 2 – 6 reps Min. 3 – 5 reps Min. 4 – 4 reps Min. 5 – 3 reps Min. 6 – 2 reps Min. 7 – 1 rep **Increase […]

  • Tuesday 3.3.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Sumo Deadlift (6×3 @ 50% 1RM + Band Tension) > 300# 1RM green band < 300# 1RM blue band **Reset at the bottom of every Sumo Deadlift WOD “Mr. Perfect” In 15min Complete 2K Row In remaining time AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (BW) 10 Box Jumps (20,20) **Score time of 2K row and […]

  • Monday 3.2.15 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Floor Press (8RM) WOD “Ultimate Warrior” 0:00 – 3:00 2 Rounds 6 Thrusters (75,55) 20 Dubs (x1) 3:00 – 6:00 2 Rounds 8 Thrusters 20 Dubs 6:00 – 9:00 2 Rounds 10 Thrusters 20 Dubs **Continue up the ladder, adding 2 thrusters until you fail. **Score total thrusters + dubs Extra Credit […]

  • Sunday 3.1.15 WOD

    Gymnastics Bias WOD #1 –For Quality– 15min Alternating EMOM 5 HSPU 5 Strict Pull Ups 5 Ring Dips **Score total reps completes in 15min WOD #2 “D.D.P.” 10 Rounds 5 Deadlifts (155,105) 5 Pushups 5 Box Jumps (30,24) **Score time Extra Credit 4 x 1min plank + 15 Sit Ups