Category: WOD

  • Sunday 10/2/22

    Workout Filthy Fifty: For Time:50 box jumps50 jumping pull-ups50 kettlebell swings50 walking-lunge steps50 knees-to-elbows50 push presses50 back extensions50 wall-ball shots50 burpees50 double-unders

  • Saturday 10/1/22

    Workout 1.) EMOM x 12 MINUTESMIN 1 – 15/12 Cal RowMIN 2 – :45 Max DB Floor Press -Rest 1:00 b/t Part 1 & Part 2- 2.) EMOM x 12 MINUTESMIN 1 – 15/12 Cal RowMIN 2 – :45 Max Ring Rows

  • Friday 9/30/22

    Strength 2 Pausing Snatch Deadlifts+1 Snatch Pull Workout 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME*22 Toes to Bar11 Overhead Squats *Each time you break during a set of 22 T2B (no penalty when finishing the set)…perform 10 Jumping Air Squats to 6″ Target. Each time you break during a set of 11 OHS (no penalty when finishing the […]

  • Thursday 9/29/22

    Workout ON A 25:00 RUNNING CLOCK…100/75 Cal Bike Immediately Into… AMRAP in Remaining Time Of…6 Strict Pull-Ups12 Alt. DB Farmer Box Step-Ups 18 Alt. No Push-Up Renegade Rows32 Double Unders

  • Wednesday 9/28/22

    Strength Pausing Split Jerks Workout FOR TIME10 Push Jerks 30 Burpees10 Push Jerks600m Run30 Burpees10 Push Jerks90 Sit-Ups600m Run30 Burpees10 Push Jerks

  • Tuesday 9/27/22

    Strength 2 Pausing Clean Deadlifts+1 Clean Pull Workout AMRAP x 10 MINUTES*1-2-3-and so on…Bar Muscle-Ups2-4-6-and so on…Deadlifts


    Dial In Your Cool-Down RoutineDial in your cool-down routine with these four steps immediately after you are done working out. 1. 3min of nasal breathing. Catch your breath once your session is over, and as soon as you can, start breathing in and out of just your nose.2. Legs up. You can do this during your […]

  • Monday 9/26/22

    Strength Front Squats Workout 4 SETS (:40 ON/ :20 OFF)*MOVT 1 – Wall Balls MOVT 2 – Cal RowMOVT 3 – Alt. Overhead Wall Ball LungesMOVT 4 – Cal Row

  • Saturday 9/24/22

    Workout ON AN 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK…50 Up-Down Pull-Ups* Immediately Into… AMRAP in Remaining Time Of…6 Pull-Ups8 Sumo Deadlifts (225/155)|(155/105)10 Up-Downs to a Target*

  • Friday 9/23/22

    Strength 1 High Hang Power Clean+1 Hang Power Clean Workout EMOM x 16 MINUTESMIN 1 & 2 – 400m RunMIN 3 & 4 – AMRAP of the following*…7 Hang Power Cleans 7 Handstand Push-Ups