Category: WOD

  • Thursday 12.18.14 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Deadlift to a 2″ negative (In 10min build to a heavy single, no fails) Stand on a 2″ Foam Pad WOD Happy 28th Birthday Jo Ward! 12-10-6-6-10-12 Deadifts (BW) HR Push Ups **Between each round complete 28 Dubs (x2) **28 reps to get down and back up the ladder Extra Credit 3×15 […]

  • Wednesday 12.17.14 W.O.D.

    Happy Hanukkah! WOD “8 Crazy Nights” 18min AMRAP 8 Movements + 8 Reps Each Wall Balls (20,14) T2B Front Squats (75,55) Burpee Bar Hops Snatches (75,55) KB Swings (55,35) Goblet Squats (55,35) Box Jumps (24,20) Extra Credit 3×20 GHD Sit Ups  

  • Tuesday 12.16.14 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Clean Complex (Work to a heavy complex ) 1 Power Clean + 2 Jerks WOD “The Incredible Hulkstress” 21 Power Cleans (135,95) 21 Pull Ups 3 Rope Climbs 15 Power Cleans 15 Pull Ups 2 Rope Climbs 9 Power Cleans 9 Pull ups 1 Rope Climb Extra Credit 3x1min each side GHD […]

  • Monday 12.15.14 WOD

    Max Effort Lower WOD 1 100 Air Squats for time WOD 2 “Brutus” 3min AMRAP 10 Thrusters + 10 Pull Ups – 30 sec. Rest – 3min AMRAP 10 Box Overs + 10 Power Snatches – 30 sec. Rest – 3min AMRAP 10 Dubs + 10 Toes to Bar **Barbell Weights; Men 75#, Women 55#** […]

  • Sunday 12.14.14 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD 1 “Horsepower” 1min Max Cleans 1min Rest to Increase Weight 1min Max Cleans 1min Rest to Increase Weight 1min Max Cleans Timed Rest to Increase Weight 1min Max Cleans **Any style cleans are allowed **Score – total weight moved (weight x reps) **You must make weight jumps each round WOD 2 “Bitter […]

  • Saturday 12.13.14 WOD

    WOD “War Games” Teams of 2 3 Rounds 40 Wall Balls (20,14) 40 SDHP (75,55) 40 Box Jumps (24,20) 40 Push Press (75,55) 40 Cal Row **1min mandatory Rest between each round Extra Credit Have a great weekend! Announcements 12.13.14 CrossFit Holiday party @ Kelly’s Taproom 6-8pm  

  • Friday 12.12.14 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Shoulder Press (12×2 @ 85% 1RM ) WOD “The Toxic Shocker ” 15min AMRAP 1 Burpee Box Jump (24,20) 1 Hang Power Snatch (75,55) 2 Burpee Box Jumps 2 Hang Power Snatches 3 Burpee Box Jumps 3 Hang Power Snatches 4,5,6,7,8,9,10…… **Climb the ladder as high as possible in 15min **Score total reps […]

  • Thursday 12.11.14 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Sumo Deadlift (5RM ) WOD “Tasmanian Pain Coaster” 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts (225,155) 30 Dubs after each round Extra Credit  3×20 Reverse Hyper Announcements 12.13.14 CrossFit Holiday party @ Kelly’s Taproom 6-8pm Taking PROGENEX Pre-Orders now! Email with your order. Order will be placed by Friday 12/12  

  • Wednesday 12.10.14 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD “Midline” 1000m Row 50 KB Swings (55,35) 50 Sit Ups 750m Row 35 KB Swings 35 Sit Ups 500m Row 25 KB Swings 25 Sit Ups Extra Credit 30 strict toes to bar or knee raises **keep toes in front of hips Announcements 12.13.14 CrossFit Holiday party @ Kelly’s Taproom 6-8pm Taking […]

  • Tuesday 12.9.14 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Split Jerk (1RM – in less than 10 reps after 50%) **Take from rack WOD Happy Birthday Coach “Big Cat” “Fat Cat “ 3 Rounds 1min at each movement for max reps Fat Bar Hang Cleans (115,75) Burpee Box Overs (20,20) HSPU to a 2″ deficit Gymnastics Bar Complex (K2E+T2B = 1) Max […]