Category: WOD

  • Thursday 9/22/22

    Workout FOR TIME200m DB Farmer Carry 160 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges120 Alt. DB Slides80 Alt. No Push-Up Renegade Rows

  • Wednesday 9/21/22

    Strength 1 Push Jerk+1 Split Jerk Workout FOR TIME4 ROUNDS5 Push Jerks 10 Toes to Bar50 Double Unders -Rest 2:00- 3 ROUNDS4 Push Jerks 8 Toes to Bar40 Double Unders -Rest 2:00- 2 ROUNDS3 Push Jerks 6 Toes to Bar30 Double Unders

  • Tuesday 9/20/22

    Strength Front Squat Workout 7 SETSON A 2:30 RUNNING CLOCK…20/15 Cal Row8 Front Squats Max Burpees Over Bar in Time Remaining… -Rest :30 b/t Sets-


    I Was Doing So Well Until…We’ve all been there. It is so easy to stay disciplined and stick to good nutrition habits during the day and on weekdays. But once we get to the late PM hours or the weekends, all hell breaks loose. Cookies, chocolate, pretzels; one bite is never enough, and we often end […]

  • Monday 9/19/22

    Strength 1 High Hang Power Snatch+1 Hang Power Snatch Workout AMRAP x 16 MINUTES10 Hang Power Snatch 20 Box Jump Overs 20 Russian KB Swings 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

  • Sunday 9/18/22

    Workout AMRAP x 12 MINUTES10 DB Up-Downs (35/20)|(20/15)10 DB Deficit Push-Ups20 Alt. DB Farmers Lunges100m Run -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 6 MINUTES5 DB Up-Downs5 DB Deficit Push-Ups10 Alt. DB Farmers Lunges50m Run

  • Saturday 9/17/22

    Workout 4 SETS80 Double Unders60/48 Cal Row40 Wall Balls

  • Friday 9/16/22

    Strength 1 Hang Muscle Clean+1 Hang Power Clean Workout AMRAP x 15 MINUTES1-2-3-and so on…Hang Power Cleans 2-3-4-and so on…Strict Pull-Up3-4-5-and so on…Toes to Bar

  • Thursday 9/15/22

    Strength Drop Jerks Workout EMOM x 20 MINUTESMIN 1 – 8 Up-Down Box Jump Overs + Max DB Shoulder to Overhead MIN 2 – Rest

  • Wednesday 9/14/22

    Workout FOR TIME800m Run Immediately Into… 10 ROUNDS4 Bar Muscle-Ups6 Alt. Pistols8 Slam Balls Immediately Into… 800m Run