Category: WOD

  • Monday 9/5/22

    Workout FOR TIME200/175 Cal Row* *Every 2:30 including 0:00, complete 10 Push-Ups + 10 Russian KB Swings.

  • Sunday 9/4/22

    Workout 2 SETS: AMRAP x 11 MINUTES*200m Run15 Toes to Bar100m DBL KB Farmer Carry (Athlete Choice, Moderate)60 Alt. Crossbody Mountain Climbers -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *Pick up where you left off.

  • Saturday 9/3/22

    Workout EMOM UNTIL COMPLETION*Rotate the below movements until 150 Wall Balls have been completed… MIN 1 – 15 BurpeesMIN 2 – 15 Box Jump Overs MIN 3 – Max Wall Balls MIN 4 – Rest *At 3-2-1 go, start an up-running clock. Transition each movement on the minute. You score is the time on the […]

  • Friday 9/2/22

    Strength Power CleanHang Squat Clean Workout AMRAP x 16 MINUTES30/25 Cal Bike20 Pull-Ups10 Hang Power Cleans

  • Thursday 9/1/22

    Workout 5 SETS: ON A 4:00 RUNNING CLOCK…300/250m Row10 Up-Down Over Rower20 DB Floor Press Max Sit-Ups in Time Remaining…

  • Wednesday 8/31/22

    Strength Front Squat Workout AMRAP x 8 MINUTES35 Double Unders (50 Singles)*7 Front Squats

  • Tuesday 8/30/22

    Workout FOR TIME:11-9-7-5Power SnatchBar Muscle-Up


    Sleep Over Everything  If your goal is to put on lean muscle or improve your body composition, your training and eating will play a significant role in determining your progress. But there’s one other thing that plays a crucial part — your sleep. Studies have shown that sleep quality will impact not just muscle strength, but […]

  • Monday 8/29/22

    Workout FOR TIME:800m Run60 Alt. DB Farmer Box Step-Ups 600m Run40 Alt. DB Goblet Box Step-Overs 400m Run20 Box Jumps 200m Run

  • Sunday, 8/28/22

    Workout EMOM x 20 MINUTESMIN 1 – :40 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull MIN 2 – :40 Toes to BarMIN 3 – :40 Russian KB Swings*MIN 4 – :40 Cal Bike