Category: WOD

  • Saturday, 8/27/22

    Workout 4 SETS*AMRAP x 6 MINUTES10-20-30 and so on…Double Unders5-10-15 and so on…Hand Release Push-Ups1-2-3 and so on…Front Squats

  • Friday, 8/26/22

    Strength 1 Power Clean+1 Hang Power Clean+1 Split Jerk Workout 10 Rounds For Time: 3 Clean and Jerks 3 Burpees Over the Bar

  • Thursday, 8/25/22

    Workout AMRAP x 22 MINUTES1000/800m Row50 Alt. Crossbody Mountain Climbers25 Ring Rows

  • Wednesday, 8/24/22

    Workout 4 SETSON A 4:00 RUNNING CLOCK400m Run20 Alt. DB Farmers Lunges Max Handstand Push-Ups in Time Remaining…

  • Tuesday, 8/23/22

    Workout 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME:3 Deadlifts6 Bar Facing Up-Downs12 Box Jump Overs

  • Weekly Breakdown 8/22/22

    Protein … Duh! This might seem obvious, but when it comes to nutrition advice for building and maintaining muscle, protein is key. We’ve all heard this before, but protein is the building block for lean muscle mass. Simply put, if you’re not getting enough protein in your diet, you aren’t going to #GetBig. The problem is […]

  • Monday, 8/22/22

    Workout 3 SETS FOR TIME:50 Wall Balls 40 Sit-Ups300/250m Row20 Pull-ups10 Overhead Squat

  • Sunday, 8/21/22

    Workout AMRAP x 2 MINUTES*Max DB Goblet Step-Ups -Rest 1:30- AMRAP x 4 MINUTES8 DB Goblet Step-Ups10/8 Cal Bike -Rest 1:30- AMRAP x 6 MINUTES8 DB Goblet Step-Ups10/8 Cal Bike8 Hand Release Push-Up -Rest 1:30- AMRAP x 8 MINUTES8 DB Goblet Step-Ups10/8 Cal Bike8 Hand Release Push-Up5/5 Single Arm DB Push Press

  • Saturday, 8/20/22

    Workout FOR TIME*1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1Ring Muscle-Ups2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2Sumo Deadlift *Complete 35 Double Unders and 15 Sit-Ups after each full round.

  • Friday, 8/19/22

    Strength 1 Rep Max Thruster Workout 4 SETS: ON A 3:30 RUNNING CLOCK…200m Run10 Burpees Over the Bar4 Thrusters -Rest Remaining Time- *Add one rep to your Thruster Each Round. Set 1 =4 / Set 2 = 5 / Set 3 = 6 / Set 4 = 7.