Category: WOD

  • Thursday, 8/18/22

    EMOM x 24 MINUTESMIN 1 – :45 KB Upright Row (Athlete Choice, Moderate)MIN 2 – :45 KB Static Hold of Choice*MIN 3 – :45 KB Horn Taps KBMIN 4 – :45 Static Hold of Choice* *Static Hold Options:Single Arm KB Front Rack/ OH HoldKB Gun HoldWall Sit (KB Weighted Optional)Tall PlankTuck/ Hollow HoldReverse Plank

  • Wednesday, 8/17/22

    Strength 1 Snatch Deadlift+1 Hang Snatch+1 Snatch Workout 5 SETS15/12 Cal Bike Sprint-Rest :30-Max Unbroken Power Snatches (Athlete Choice, Moderate)*

  • Tuesday, 8/16/22

    3 Rounds For Time:1,000 meter Row50 Burpees50 Box Jumps800 meter Run

  • Weekly Breakdown 8/15/22

    Happy 10th Anniversary CrossFit Mainline! CFML opened its doors on 8/18/2012. Whether you’re trying to burn fat, gain strength, change your body composition, or just live freely and fully outside the gym, muscle matters. The next question naturally becomes “What is the best way to train in order to build and maintain muscle?” As with most […]

  • Monday, 8/15/22

    AMRAP x 16 Minutes10 Deadlifts 15 Slam Balls 20 Ring Rows

  • Sunday, 8/14/22

    Workout AMRAP x 20 MINUTES20 DB Renegade Rows15 Toes to Bar10 Shoulder to Overhead

  • Saturday, 8/13/22

    Workout AMRAP x 36 MINUTES250/200m Row200m Run50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 250/200m Row200m Run50 Back Rack Lunges250/200m Row200m Run50 Russian KB Swings 250/200m Row200m Run50 Up-Downs

  • Friday, 8/12/22

    Workout 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-ups

  • Thursday, 8/11/22

    Workout AMRAP x 16 MINUTES1:00 Cardio Choice8/8 KB/DB Snatch (Athlete Choice, Moderate)100m OH Walk*20 Alt. KB/DB Horn Taps *Switch Arms at 50m.

  • Wednesday, 8/10/22

    Strength Build to a Heavy 3-Rep TNG Power Clean Workout EMOM x 24 MINUTESMIN 1 – Complete 1 Round*MIN 2 – Max Cal BikeMIN 3 – Rest *1 Round:1 Power Clean (100% of 3-Rep Power Clean)4 Box Jumps 12 Slam Balls