Category: WOD

  • Tuesday, 8/9/22

    Strength EMOM x 8 MINUTESMIN 1 – :40 Wall/Box Hollow Body HoldMIN 2 – Complete one of the below options… Option 1:3-5 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups Or… Option 2:3-5 Handstand Negatives Or… Option 3:3-5 Slow DB Strict Press (:03 Lower) Workout 50 Burpees Immediately Into… 8 ROUNDS5 Handstand Push-Ups*7 Back Squats Immediately Into… 50 Burpees

  • Weekly Breakdown 8/8/22

    CFML Ardmore Renderings CFML – ARDMORE IS MOVING! Ardmore is moving to a new location at 214 W. Lancaster Avenue on August 29. The new location boasts a larger training floor, 3 bathrooms, 17’ ceilings, Big Ass Fans, a glass garage door, 22 dedicated parking spaces, and much more. Video 3D model coming soon! Starting August […]

  • Monday 8/8/22

    Workout AMRAP x 12 MINUTES12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups36 Double Unders100m Run -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 6 MINUTES6 Pull-Ups18 Double Unders50m Run

  • Sunday, 8/7/22

    Workout FOR TIME40 Alt. DB Devils Press 40 Alt. DB Goblet Lunges400m Run30 Alt. DB Devils Press30 Alt. DB Goblet Lunges400m Run20 Alt. DB Devils Press20 Alt. DB Goblet Lunges400m Run10 Alt. DB Devils Press10 Alt. DB Goblet Lunges400m Run

  • Saturday, 8/6/22

    Workout Fight Gone Bad:3 Rounds For Total Reps in 17 minutes 1 minute Wall Ball Shots 1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 1 minute Box Jumps 1 minute Push Press 1 minute Row (calories)1 minute Rest.

  • Friday, 8/5/22

    Skill EMOM x 6 MINUTESPractice one of the below Pulling Options… Option 1:2 Hips to Bar + 1 Bar Muscle-Up Or… Option 2:2 Dynamic Kip Swing + 1 Pull-Up Or… Option 3:3 Simulated Kip Swing or 3 Jumping Pull-Ups Workout 3 SETSAMRAP x 6 MINUTES*3 Bar Muscle-Ups9 Hand Release Push-Ups18 Slam Balls -Rest 1:30 b/t […]

  • Thursday, 8/4/22

    Workout FOR TIME*10-9-8-7-6Shoulder to Overhead Up-Downs Over Bar Immediately Into… 5-4-3-2-1Shoulder to Overhead Up-Downs Over Bar *After each set complete 25 ‘Unbroken’ Double Unders. If miss before 25 are completed, start that set of DU back at 0. Max 3 attempts per set, then complete 25 reps and move on. No additional penalty.

  • Wednesday, 8/3/22

    workout FOR TIME:200 Russian KB Swings 150 Sit-Ups100/80 Cal Bike15 Rope Climbs

  • Tuesday, 8/2/22

    Strength 1 Snatch High Pull+1 Hang Power Snatch+1 Power Snatch Workout AMRAP x 15 MINUTES1 Power Snatches 15 Box Jumps 100m Run *Add 1 rep of Power Snatch after every full round (1,2,3,4 and so on…).

  • Weekly Breakdown 8/1/22

    The CrossFit Games are this week! What is the difference between what you see at the CrossFit Games and what takes place in CrossFit gyms around the world? Anyone can go to a CrossFit gym to start the climb toward better fitness and a healthier life. The CrossFit Games are where you go when you’ve […]