Category: WOD

  • Monday, 8/1/22

    Strength Bench Press Workout 6 SETSON A 3:00 RUNNING CLOCK…30/24 Cal RowMax Reps in the Remaining Time… ODD ROUNDS: BurpeesEVEN ROUNDS: Pull-Ups or Ring Rows -Rest :30 b/t Sets-

  • Sunday, 7/31/22

    Strength Deadlift (Build to a Moderate-Heavy 3-Rep Library Deadlift) Workout AMRAP x 15 MINUTES1 Library Deadlift (100% of 3-Rep Deadlift)7 Box Jumps 14 Plate Ground to Overhead (Athlete Choice)35 Double Unders

  • Saturday, 7/30/22

    Workout FOR TIME:60/48 Cal Bike40 Toes to Bar60 Alt. Lunges50/40 Cal Bike30 Toes to Bar50 Alt. Lunges40/30 Cal Bike20 Toes to Bar40 Alt. Lunges

  • Friday, 7/29/22

    Workout “MYMC 22.3” 15 ROUNDS FOR TIME1 Ring Muscle-Up3 Thrusters 6 Burpee Over Bar

  • Thursday, 7/28/22

    Workout 5 SETS:ON A 3:00 RUNNING CLOCK…15/12 Cal Row*20 Alt. Single Arm Russian KB Swing Max Alt. V-Ups in Time Remaining… -No Extra Rest b/t Sets- *Increase Row by 5/4 Cals each Set.Set 1: 15/12Set 2: 20/16Set 3: 25/20Set 4: 30/24Set 5: 35/28

  • Wednesday, 7/27/22

    Workout “CINDY-RELLA”AMRAP x 6 MINUTES3 Strict Pull-Ups6 Feet Elevated Plate Push-Ups9 Plate Front Squats (Athlete Choice) -Rest 1:30- AMRAP x 7 MINUTES4 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups8 Hand Release Push-Ups12 Jumping Air Squats -Rest 1:30- AMRAP x 8 MINUTES5 Pull-Ups10 Push-Ups15 Air Squats

  • Tuesday, 7/26/22

    Strength Clean and Jerk (Build to a 1-Rep Heavy*) Workout “THE CALI BEAR” EVERY :30 FOR 20 MINUTES1 Power Clean & Jerk

  • Weekly Breakdown 7/25/22

    We can look forward to some heavy barbell work this week! We will test a 1 RM Clean + Jerk on Tuesday, Thrusters on Thursday, and we are rounding out the week with a Deadlift Sunday.  Make sure to add in some hip / hamstring mobility and stay hydrated in this heat before hitting heavy […]

  • Monday, 7/25/22

    Workout FOR TIME:200m Run40 Box Jumps 600m Run80 Alt. DB Goblet Box Step-Overs 600m Run40 Box Jumps200m Run

  • Sunday, 7/24/22

    Workout 3 SETS*AMRAP x 6 MINUTES16 KB Swings 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 8 Thrusters