Category: WOD

  • Saturday, 7/23/22

    Workout FOR TIME10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups20/15 Cal Bike10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups30 Hand Release Push-Ups20/15 Cal Bike10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups40 Walking Lunges30 Hand Release Push-Ups20/15 Cal Bike10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups50 Up-Downs40 Walking Lunges30 Hand Release Push-Ups20/15 Cal Bike10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

  • Friday, 7/22/22

    Workout “MYMC 22.2, Part 1” AMRAP x 10 MINUTES6 Power Snatches 8 Push Press24 Double Unders -Rest 2:00 b/t Part 1 & Part 2-Workout “MYMC 22.2, Part 2” ON AN 8:00 RUNNING CLOCK…Build to a Heavy Complex…1 Power Snatch+1 Hang Power Snatch

  • Thursday, 7/21/22

    Workout EMOM x 25 MINUTESMIN 1 – :45 KBS MIN 2 – :45 Russian TwistsMIN 3&4 – Max Cal Cardio ChoiceMIN 5 – Walking Rest

  • Wednesday, 7/20/22

    Workout “STRAIGHT 100.”FOR TIME25/20 Cal Row20 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)20 Box Jumps (24/20)25/20 Cal Row30 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)30 Box Jumps (24/20)25/20 Cal Row50 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)50 Box Jumps (24/20)25/20 Cal Row

  • Tuesday, 7/19/22

    Strength 3 SETS12-15 PVC Banded Lat Push-Downs5-7 Wide Grip Pull-Ups Workout 3 SETSON AN 8:00 RUNNING CLOCK…400m Run30 Weighted Sit-Ups*20 Pull-Ups400m Run -Rest the Remainder of the Set- *Hold DB (Athlete Choice, Moderate) in Goblet Position against chest. (Score is Slowest Set for Time)

  • Weekly Breakdown 7/18/22

    Hydrate! Especially in this July heat! Water is the key. This nutrient, which we all take for granted, is crucial to every function in the body—temperature regulation, nerve-impulse conduction, metabolism, immune system, eliminative process, and all the rest of the workings of the body. Researchers have found that even a tiny shortage of water disrupts […]

  • Monday, 7/18/22

    Workout “ELIZA & BETH” FOR TIME9-7-5Ground to Overhead 21-15-9Ring Dips -Rest 3:00- 15-12-9Ground to Overhead 21-15-9Burpees Over the Bar

  • Sunday, 7/17/22

    Workout ON A 16:00 RUNNING CLOCK…800m Run50 Toes to Bar Immediately Into… AMRAP in Remaining Time Of…20 Alt. DB No Push-Up Renegade Rows 15 DB Tuck-Ups10 Up-Downs Over DBs

  • Saturday, 7/16/22

    Strength 3 SETS:30 Wall HS Hold10-12 Box Piked Shoulder Taps3-5 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups or 5-7 Deficit Push-Ups Workout 4 ROUNDS10 Box Jump Overs 8 Handstand Push-Ups*6 Deadlifts 36 Double Unders -Rest 1:30- 3 ROUNDS10 Box Jump Overs8 Handstand Push-Ups*6 Deadlifts36 Double Unders -Rest 1:30- 2 ROUNDS10 Box Jump Overs8 Handstand Push-Ups*6 Deadlifts36 Double Unders

  • Friday, 7/15/22

    Workout “MYMC 22.1” AMRAP x 18 MINUTES22 Wall Balls 22 Pull-Ups22/16 Cal Bike