Category: WOD

  • Thursday, 6/9/22

    Strength Back Squat 3×3 Workout CrossFit Games Open 18.2For Time:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10Dumbbell squats Bar-facing burpees -12 minute time cap

  • Wednesday, 6/8/22

    Workout 3 SETS60/48 Cal Row5 Rope Climbs40 Sit-Ups80 Double Unders -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

  • Tuesday, 6/7/22

    Strength Bench Press 3×3 Workout 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME24 Up-Downs21 DB Floor Press 18 Slam Balls 15 Jumping Air Squats

  • Weekly Breakdown 6/6/22

    Regardless of what your specific fitness goal may be, proper recovery is something you simply can’t ignore. Whether you want to put on lean muscle, burn fat, or improve your athletic performance, you need to be thinking about recovery.Remember, exercise isn’t actually what makes you stronger or fitter. Exercise is the stressor that provides the […]

  • Monday, 6/6/22

    Strength:Deadlift 3×3 Workout:AMRAP x 10 MINUTES20/15 Cal Bike3 Deadlifts *Increase Reps by 2 after each full round.

  • Sunday 6/5/22

    Workout FOR TIME1000/800m Row50 Box Jumps30 No Push-Up Renegade Row 20 Strict Ring Dips750/600m Row40 Box Jumps20 No Push-Up Renegade Row15 Strict Ring Dips500/400m Row30 Box Jumps10 No Push-Up Renegade Row10 Strict Ring Dips

  • Saturday 6/4/22

    Strength Build to a 3 Rep Power Clean and Jerk Workout “CALIFORNIA DREAMIN” 20 ROUNDS FOR TIME1 Power Clean & Jerk 2 Burpees Over Bar3 Toes to Bar

  • Friday, 6/3/22

    Strength Back Squat 3×5 Workout AMRAP x 13 MINUTES12 Back Rack Reverse Lunges 400m Run

  • Thursday, 6/2/22

    Strength Bench Press 3×5 Workout 8 SETS (:20 ON / :10 OFF)MOVT 1 – Cal BikeMOVT 2 – Push PressMOVT 3 – Double UndersMOVT 4 – Ring Rows

  • Wednesday, 6/1/22

    Strength Deadlift 3×5 Workout FOR TIME*100 Alt. DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean *Every 2:30 including 0:00, complete 25 Sit-ups