Category: WOD

  • Monday, 5/23/22

    StrengthBench Press 5-3-1 WorkoutAMRAP x 6 MINUTES10 Alt. Front Rack Reverse Lunges 8/6 Cal Bike6 Up-Downs -Rest 1:30- AMRAP x 6 MINUTES10 Bar Facing Up-Downs8/6 Cal Bike6 Alt. Front Rack Reverse Lunges

  • Sunday, 5/22/22

    Workout“GUT CHECK”FOR TIME*35-30-25-20Cal Row**Russian KB Swings Slam Balls V-Ups *Complete 75 Double Unders after each full round.**Alt. Cals: 27-24-20-15.

  • Saturday 5/21/22

    Skill:ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK…Practice Rope Climbs* *Focus on the J-Technique and specifically Knees to Elbow before clamping with feet. WorkoutAMRAP x 18 MINUTES60 Double Unders40 Sit-Ups20 Slam Balls 5 Rope Climbs

  • Friday, 5/20/22

    StrengthDeadlift 3×3 WorkoutFOR TIME35/28 Cal Bike Into… 3 ROUNDS30 Box Jump Overs 10 Deadlifts Into… 35/28 Cal Bike

  • Thursday, 5/19/22

    Strength3×3 Bench Press WorkoutEMOM x 16 MINUTESMIN 1&2 – AMRAP of Triplet*MIN 3 – Max Strict Ring DipsMIN 4 – Rest *1 Round of Triplet is…6 Hand Release Push-Ups12 Up-Downs24 Alt. DB Russian Twists

  • Wednesday 5/18/22

    Strength5 Sets Every 1:301 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch WorkoutAMRAP x 8 MINUTES3 Power Snatches6 Alt. Back Rack Lunges9 Toes to Bar -Rest 2:00 b/t FOR TIME6-9-12-9-6Power Snatches Alt. Back Rack LungesToes to Bar ** 13 Minute Time Cap

  • Tuesday, 5/17/22

    StrengthBack Squat 3×3 Workout“PUNCH OUT” FOR TIME800m Run30 Thrusters 30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar


    We all have goals that we’re working towards. Whether those goals have anything to do with an upcoming hero workout or not, it can be hard to find consistency when life throws you a curveball.So what’s the best thing you can do if you realize that you’ve been falling short on how you approach your […]

  • Monday, 05/16/22

    Workout2 SETS*AMRAP x 12 MINUTES14 Wall Balls 7 Push Jerks14 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- *Reset from the start.**Add 7 Wall Ball Reps after each full round

  • Weekly Breakdown 5/9/22

    Have a Plan. Follow the Plan. Whether you’re preparing for a specific workout like Murph or just training to feel and look your best, it’s important to have a plan.A plan gives you structure, and structure holds you accountable.We all have different health and fitness goals we’re working towards. If you approach those goals without […]