Category: WOD

  • Saturday 3/25/23

    Workout “Laura“With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of: 30-cal. row20 burpees over the rower10 power cleans

  • Friday 3/24/23

    Strength Thruster Workout Fran21-15-9ThrustersPull-ups

  • Thursday 3/23/23

    Strength Deadlift Workout “ROSIE THE RIVETER”EMOM x 18 MINUTESMIN 1 – 2 Deadlifts (315/205) + 12 Strict Handstand Push-UpsMIN 2 – 2 Deadlifts + Max Box Jumps (24/20)*MIN 3 – Rest

  • Wednesday 3/22/23

    Skill Rope Climb Workout “RAPUNZEL”2 SETS**AMRAP x 8 MINUTES2 Rope Climb100′ Shuttle Run (25′ Out, 25′ Back)*:30 DBL KB or DB Front Rack Hold

  • Tuesday 3/21/23

    Strength Power Snatch Workout “ANNIEBEL”FOR TIME*50-40-30-20-10Double UndersSit-Ups

  • CFML WEEKLY 3/20/23

    Meet Wayne’s Leader of the Month Maggie Woodul! Maggie started her CrossFit Journey with us at CFML in 2017 and when asked what keeps her motivated she said it’s because of the community!  She also loves our friendly competition and how we all push each other. And one day, she wants to be as strong […]

  • Monday 3/20/23

    Workout “NCFIT GIRLS”3 ROUNDS FOR TIME30/25 Cal Bike20 Alt. Pistols15 Bar Muscle-Ups7 Front Squats

  • Sunday 3/19/23

    Workout Part 1. AMRAP x 8 MINUTES* 5 DB Devils Clean 10 DB Push Press 200m Run Part 2. 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME* 10 Alt. DB Devils Clean 7/7 Single Arm DB Push Press 200m Run

  • Saturday 3/18/23

    Workout Murph Prep: (Teams Of 2) P1: Amrap of Strict “Cindy” 5 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats P2: Run 400 Meters. Partners switch once P2 is back inside. P2 picks up right where P1 left off.

  • Friday 3/17/23

    Strength Clean Thruster Workout “SHAMROCK SHAKE”10 SETS FOR TIME3 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters 5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups7 Burpees Over Bar