Category: WOD

  • Thursday 3/16/23

    Workout Partner Workout 2 rounds for time (in teams of 2) 80 Alt DB Snatches 80 Anchored Ab Mat Sit-Ups P1 works while P2 rests. Switch every 10 reps!

  • Wednesday 3/15/23

    Workout “22 Jump Street” On a 22 Minute Running Clock 40 Ring Dips | Hand Release PU 60 Deadlifts 80/60 Cal Bike 240 Double Unders | Single Unders

  • CFML WEEKLY 3/13/23

    Our Leader of the month comes as a package deal. Dave Smith and his daughter Mikayla have been members at our Ardmore location for over 2 years. It is always a pleasure having them in class supporting and cheering each other on with a friendly “pick that bar up” or a high five/handshake. Outside of […]

  • CFML WEEKLY 3/6/23

    Our Leader Of The Month For Plymouth Meeting is… Rachel Yoka!  Rachel has been an athlete with us for the last 7 years..  I remember during her first fundamentals class she saw someone doing handstand push-ups.  Determined, she insisted we spend the rest of the 45 minutes learning how to do one!  That level of […]

  • Sunday 3/5/23

    Workout AMRAP x 16 MINUTES 9 Up-Down Box Crawl Overs 15 Deadlift 21 Sit-Ups 100m Single DB or KB Suitcase Carry

  • Saturday 3/4/23

    Workout EMOM x 24 MINUTES MIN 1&2 – 25/20 Cal Bike MIN 3 – 5 Pull-Ups + 10 Push-Ups + 15 Air Squats MIN 4 – Rest

  • Friday 3/3/23

    Open Workout 23.3

  • Thursday 3/2/23

    Workout AMRAP x 20 MINUTES 400m Run 20 Slam Balls (Athlete Choice)* 8/8 Lateral Box Step-Ups 200m Run 10 Hand Release Push-Ups 8 Slam Ball Alt. Box Step-Overs*

  • Wednesday 3/1/23

    Strength Push Press Workout “HURRICANE”ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK…*Max Cal Row -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 5 MINUTES2-4-6-and so on…Push Press (115/75)Toes to Bar -Rest 1:00- ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK…Max Cal Row

  • Tuesday 2/28/23

    Workout  ROUNDS FOR TIME 50/40 Cal Bike 40 KB Swings 30 KB Goblet Lunges 20 Burpees 25/20 Cal Bike 20 KB Swings 15 KB Goblet Lunges 10 Burpees