Category: WOD

  • Monday 2/27/23

    Strength EMOM x 8 MINUTES MIN 1 – 1-2 Power Cleans MIN 2 – 1-2 Bar Muscle-Ups Workout 15 ROUNDS FOR TIME 3 Bar Muscle-Ups 2 Box Jumps 1 Power Clean

  • CFML WEEKLY 2/20/23

    ATHLETE LEADER Of The Month This week we celebrate Shawn Lynch at CFML Wayne.If you’ve come to an evening or weekend class at Wayne, you most definitely have been greeted with a friendly smile and “hello!” from Shawn. You can catch him chatting with the new members after class, and sharing his best advice for restaurants […]

  • CFML WEEKLY 2/13/23

    ATHLETE LEADER Of The Month This week we celebrate Nick Pizzo at CFML Ardmore. Nick has been a member with us since 2013 and even after all that time, he is still a fan favorite. When asked what he likes most about CrossFit Main Line, he emphatically answered, “Coach Chelsey”…. Just kidding. His real answer was, […]

  • CFML WEEKLY 2/6/23

    ATHLETE LEADER Of The Month This week we celebrate Jerry Keown at CFML – Ply. Mtg. Despite hip surgery in 2022, Jerry continued attending 5a class and encouraging others. His never quit, never whine attitude embodies CFML core values. Wanna be Leader Of The Month, get a Leader jersey and parking space??? Be more like Jerry! […]

  • Workshops with PT Josh Finley

    We have some great workshops coming up with PT Josh Finley! Improve performance and increase range of motion with Josh Finley PT during these 60 min clinics.  -Saturday March 11th 10:30am Ardmore Shoulder Workshop -Saturday April 15th 10:30am Wayne Knee Mobility Workshop  Knee How is your knee? Do you have limited range of motion, poor […]

  • Sunday 2/5/23

    Workout 3 SETS AMRAP x 4 MINUTES 4 Strict Chin-Ups 8 Narrow Grip Push-Ups 12 Slam Balls

  • Saturday 2/4/23

    Workout IN TEAMS OF 2… AMRAP x 20 MINUTES* 20 Wall Balls 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 20 Box Jumps 20 Push Press 20/15 Cal Row

  • Friday 2/3/23

    Strength Power Snatch Workout 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 4 Bar Muscle-Ups 6 Hang Power Snatches 12/10 Cal Bike 2 Bar Muscle-Ups 3 Hang Power Snatches

  • Thursday 2/2/23

    Workout FOR TIME 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Goblet Squats 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 Double Unders

  • Wednesday 2/1/23

    Strength Clean & Jerk Workout CrossFit Games Open 15.48-Minute ARMAP of: 3 Handstand Push-ups3 Cleans6 Handstand Push-ups3 Cleans9 Handstand Push-ups3 Cleans12 Handstand Push-ups6 Cleans15 Handstand Push-ups6 Cleans18 Handstand Push-ups6 Cleans21 Handstand Push-ups9 Cleans