Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 1/31/23

    Workout EMOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 – 200m Run MIN 2 – 15/12 Cal Bike MIN 3 – Max Box Jumps (Step Down!) MIN 4 – Rest

  • CFML WEEKLY 1/30/23

    CFML Ardmore: Monday 1/30 and Tuesday 1/31 classes will be held at 10 E Athens Avenue. On Feb. 16th the CrossFit community will kick off a worldwide celebration of fitness that anyone can join – the 2023 CrossFit Games Open. Join us each Friday during the Open for Friday Night Lights! Friday Night Lights kicks […]

  • Monday 1/30/23

    Strength Deadlift Workout AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 2 Wall Walks 5 Deadlifts 25 Sit-Ups

  • Sunday 1/29/23

    Workout “Optimus Prime” AMRAP in 16 Minutes 60 Double Unders (90 Singles) 9 Deadlift* (275/205) 30/20 Cal Fan Bike

  • Saturday 1/28/23

    Workout “Partner Loredo” In Teams Of 2, Amrap in 24 Minutes of: 24 Air Squats 24 Push-Ups 24 Deadlift 500/425 Meter Row OR 400 Meter Run

  • Friday 1/27/23

    Strength Power Snatch Workout Every Minute OTMx 12 Minutes MIN 1 – 20/15 Cal Bike | 15/12 Cal Bike MIN 2 – 1 Power Snatch (Use heaviest weight from today’s strength)

  • Thursday 1/26/23

    Workout FOR TIME 1200m Run 30 Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges 100 Double Unders Muscle-Ups* 100 Double Unders 30 Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges 1200m Run

  • Wednesday 1/25/23

    Strength Deadlift Workout 8 SETS (:20 ON/ :10 OFF)* MOVT 1 – Deadlifts (Athlete Choice, Moderate-Heavy)** MOVT 2 – Up-Down Over Bar MOVT 3 – Sit-Ups

  • Tuesday 1/24/23

    Strength Overhead Squat Workout “THE QUADFATHER”AMRAP x 15 MINUTES19 Wall Balls 10 Cal Bike*

  • CFML WEEKLY 1/23/23

    Ardmore is moving! We need your help. Workout at Ardmore at 9:30am on Saturday 1/28 and Sunday 1/29 then load your car up with equipment and drop off at the new gym! You could read about the workouts but let Coach Brian tell you about, 90s video. THE WEEK AHEAD:Mon: Strength: Clean Pull, Clean High […]