Category: WOD

  • Sunday 9.16.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon 5 Rounds 50m Heavy Sledpush (90,45) 50m Stone Carry, AHAP 200m Back Rack Barbell Carry (135,95) Rest 2:00 after each set. Rx: (45,25)(95,65) L2: (Empty Sled)(75,55) L1: (Empty Sled)(55,35) Intent: Today’s workout is GPP based that will likely challenge you more than […]

  • Saturday 9.15.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon Teams of 4 for Max Reps 60s Max Wallballs (20,14) 60s Max Burpees 60s Max Rope Climbs 60s Rest Score = Total Reps L2: (14, 10) (Half Rope Climbs, ground to standing) L1: (10, 8) (Bike or Row for calories in place […]

  • Friday 9.14.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Warm-up With a medium weight KB 10-8-6-4-2 Russian Swings Goblet Squats 30 Flutter Kicks after each round (L+R=2) Strength 1) Back Squat ( every 2min 3×3 @ 80%, 3×2 @85%) Intent: Week 2 of Back Squats. Weights are heavier this week so it’s […]

  • Thursday 9.13.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon Prep 2 Rounds 5 reps Ea. 5x T2B 10x Push-ups 15x Air Squats 20 Barbell Bicep Curls Metcon “New Workout Plan” 2 Rounds 75 Air Squats 50 Push-ups 25 T2B 800m Run L2: (50 Air Squats) (30 Box Push-ups) (Knee Lifts) L1: […]

  • Wednesday 9.12.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Warm-up 3 Rounds at 70% effort 60s Single Arm Farmer Carry 60s Sledpush 60s Hollow Hold 60s Rest *Alt. arms as needed on farmers carry Metcon “Annie’s on the Run” For Time: 100 Double Unders, 50 Sit-ups, 200 Meter Run 80 Double Unders, […]

  • Tuesday 9.11.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon “9/11” For time: 2001m Row 11 Squat Cleans (155,105) 11 Strict Pull-ups 11 Thrusters (155,105) 11 Strict Pull-ups 11 Front Squats (155,105) 11 S20H (155,105) 11 Burpee Box Jumps (30,24) 11 Squat Cleans 11 Strict Pull-ups 2001m Row *No time Cap Rx: […]

  • Monday 9.10.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Share your favorite recipes in our Nutrition Group! Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge Strength Power Snatch (3×4 TnG Skill Set, build across) Complete every 2min Intent: Work on efficiency with the touch n go power snatch today. These are intended to be light and done UB to prepare […]

  • Sunday 9.9.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up Superset of: Double Leg Banded Leg Curls: 3×25 Russian Twists: 3×20 Strength Power Clean ( 6×3 @ 70%, every 90s) Intent: These reps should not be TNG, reset each rep. Metcon For Time: 200m Plate Run (45,35) 30 Deadlifts 25 Hang Power Cleans 20 Puh Jerks 200m Plate Run 25 Deadlifts 20 Hang Power […]

  • Saturday 9.8.18 CrossFit

    Metcon Prep 3 Rounds 5 Goblet Squats 5 Burpees 5 T2B Metcon Teams of 3 AMRAP 10 Max Distance Sled Drive (90,45) – 2min Rest – AMRAP 10 21 Burpees 1 Rope Climb 21 Goblet Squats (70,55) 1 Rope Climb 21 T2B 1 Rope Climb – 2mn Rest – AMRAP 10 Max Cal Assualt Bike […]

  • Friday 9.7.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up Grab two DBs and complete: Banded Alphabet, ea side 5 DB Power Cleans 5 DB Front Squats 5 DB Push Press Banded Alphabet, ea side Rest 30s 5 DB Power Cleans 5 DB Thrusters Banded Alphabet, ea side Strength Back Squat (3×3 @ 70%, every 90s) Complete every 90s. Use 1RM from Monday. Metcon […]