Category: WOD

  • Thursday 9.6.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1a) “Seated DB Shoulder Press”4×10 4×10, Neutral Grip, build across Superset as EMOM 12 1b) Banded Pulldowns 4×15 1c) Barbell Curls 21s: 4 x 7-7-7 – Bottom + Middle + Full ROM. Intent: Shoulder/Lat work today. Seated Shoulder presses are a relatively new movement for us. Use a weight that is challenging but doesn’t […]

  • Wednesday 9.5.18 CrossFit

    Gymnastics 3 Rounds for Quality: 12s L-Sit Hold 12s Ring Support 25s Handstand Hold or Walk Intent: We are going through 3 different static gymnastic holds today for 3 rounds. This is the same work as last Wednesday with slightly longer intervals. Metcon 5 Rounds Run/Row 400m 12 Burpees over rower 20 Alt. DB GTOH […]

  • Tuesday 9.4.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up Superset as EMOM 6 Banded Facepull 3×15 OH Banded Tricep Extensions 3×25 Strength Strict Pull-ups (3xMax Reps, 2min Rest b/t) *Strict Band Assisted Pull-up -Rest 3min- Beginner: Partner Assisted: 3 x 5. Rest 90s. Intent: Today we’ll perform 2 sets of max reps pull-ups. The 3 minutes rest between sets is so you can […]

  • Monday 9.3.18 CrossFit

    Strength “Back Squat” (1RM 5,4,3,2,1… Every 2min) Beginner 5×5 Intent: Build to a new 1RM Back Squat over the course of 8-10 sets. You should have a plan in place in how your sets should look in terms of weight selection. Be smart and end on a high note. Metcon “Manion” 7 Rounds for time: […]

  • Sunday 9.2.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up 10 DB Man Makers Row 250m 20 Yoga Push-ups Row 250m 30 Double Unders Row 250m Strength 1a) DB Bench Press  4×10 4×10, build across1b) Inverted Barbell Rows 4×12 4×12, pronated grip 1c) DB Zottaman Curls 4×10 Build across Complete as 12min EMOM Intent: Today’s work is intended to be challenging, but done with […]

  • September Athletes Of The Month

  • Saturday 9.1.18 CrossFit

    Metcon “Field Day” 1) Max Distance Broad Jump: 3 Attempts (inches) Broad jump is a test of power-output. NFL RB 10+ ft. 2) Max UB Wallballs (20,14)(reps) Test of mental capacity/endurance. 3) Max Calories on the Rower in 8:00 (cals) 4) Max Push-ups in 60s. (reps) Upper Body Endurance Test 5) Max Sit-ups in 60s. […]

  • Friday 8.31.18 CrossFit

    Strength 2 Rounds 10 Push Press 10 KBS 10 Box Jumps Rest 60s. Metcon “Jack” 20-Minute AMRAP of: 10 Push Press, 115# 10 Kettlebell Swings, 53# 10 Box Jumps, 24″ In honor of Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, OK,died September 29th, 2009 To learn more about Jack click here Last completed […]

  • Thursday 8.30.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1): Box Squat (EMOM 6×2 @ 70% low, normal stance) – 12-13″ Box – These are intended to be done below parallel. 2): Deadlift (EMOM 3×3 TNG @ 75% every 60s) Intent: Final week of Box Squats/Touch n Go Deads. Loading is slightly heavier but all sets should be fast. Metcon “Sandstorm Task Domain” […]

  • Wednesday 8.29.18 CrossFit

    Gymnastics 3 Rounds for Quality: 10s L-Sit Hold 10s Ring Support 20s Handstand Hold or WalkIntent: Today and next week we’ll spend time on some foundational gymnastics holds. Work on reinforcing good hollow-position today. Metcon Prep 5 Minutes of Light Foam Rolling Metcon “DG” 10-Minute AMRAP: 8 Toes-To-Bar 8 Dumbbell Thrusters, 35# 12 Dumbbell Walking […]