Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 8.8.18 CrossFit

    Metcon For Time: 21 Power Cleans (95/65) 200 Meter Run 21 Thrusters (95/65) 200 Meter Run 15 Power Cleans (95/65) 200 Meter Run 15 Thrusters (95/65) 200 Meter Run 9 Power Cleans (95/65) 200 Meter Run 9 Thrusters (95/65) 200 Meter Run Two movements, one barbell. Athletes will pick one barbell weight. The barbell should […]

  • Tuesday 8.7.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Ardmore: Tues/Thurs 6:45am endurance, cancelled Strength Split Jerk (6×3 @ 75%, Every 90s) Reset one each rep. Intent: Week 2 of Speed work for the Jerk. All sets should be fast, efficient. Metcon “Annie + Helen” 3 Rounds 50 Dubs 50 Sit Ups 400m Run 21 KB Swings (55,35) 12 Pull Ups L2: […]

  • Monday 8.6.18 CrossFit

    Strength Deadlift (1RM, Every 2min 4,3,2,1.1.1) Intent: The purpose of the DL from blocks is to work the top range of your deadlift and posterior chain. Since ROM is decrease some Athletes may be able to lift more than their conventional DL. However, Athlete will have less joint flexion, resulting in the ability to genereate […]

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 8.6.18 – 8.12.18

  • Sunday 8.5.18 CrossFit

    Strength EMOM 16 Min 1: 3 TNG Power Snatches, building to 75% Min 2: 3 Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows w/ pause Intent: Today we’ll perform some mixed work with Snatches and ring pull ups. All sets should be challenging but sustainable Metcon “Katie” In 20min: 5×7 Bear Complexes for max weight Then, at […]

  • Saturday 8.4.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up 400m Run as a group – Then – 10 x 50m Intervals @ 60% effort Metcon “Jerry” For Time: 1-Mile Run 2k Row 1-Mile Run In honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. To learn more about Jerry click here Intent:  Hero WOD “Jerry”. […]

  • Friday 8.3.18 CrossFit

    Strength Hang Power Clean (1RM, Every 2min 4,3,2,1.1.1) Beginner: 6×3 focusing on technique Intent: Build to a max Hang Power Clean, attempt a 5# PR. This lift will be highly dependent on your technique and ability to be explosive with hip extension. Metcon Prep EMOM 9 Min 1:  3 Hang Power Clean + 2 Push […]

  • Thursday 8.2.18 CrossFit

    Strength Front Squat (EMOM 6 , 3 reps @ 75-80%) Immediatley into EMOM 3, 5 RDLs @ same weight as Front Squat Intent:  Final week of Speed Front Squats and Posterior work. There is no pause this week like past weeks. All sets should be explosive. Metcon 0:00 -5:00 800m Run Max Clean & Jerks […]

  • Wednesday 8.1.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up 200m Run with MB – Then – Tabata Until Complete: 60 Double KB Rows (light) 60 Double KB Front Squats (light) – Then – 200m Run with MB Skill EMOM 10 Min 1: Accumulate 20s Handstand Walking or in a Handstand Hold Min 2: 10s L-Sit/Hollow Hold + 10 Banded Pull ApartsIntent: Spend 10 […]

  • Tuesday 7.31.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1) Push Jerk (6×3 @ 70%, every 90s.) Reset on each rep (not done touch n go) intent: Use your Jerk max from 7/27 or a moderate weight for all 6 sets. The goal is to be efficient/fast today. You’ll see these for the next 3 weeks. 2) EMOM 6 Min 1: Seated DB […]