Category: WOD

  • Monday 1/23/23

    Strength Clean Pull + Clean High Pull + Muscle Clean Workout ‘Elizabeth’21-15-9Clean, 135# / 95#Ring Dips

  • Sunday 1/22/23

    Strength 8/8 DB Farmer Split Squats 16 Weighted Glute Bridge-Up Workout EMOM x 15 MINUTES MIN 1 – :45 Back Rack Lunges MIN 2 – :45 Russian KB Swing MIN 3 – :45 Wall Walks

  • Saturday 1/21/23

    Workout AMRAP x 16 MINUTES 15/12 Cal Row 25 Sit-Ups 35 Double Unders *Every 2:00 not including 0:00 complete 5 Alt. DB Devils Press

  • Friday 1/20/23

    Workout Crossfit Games Open 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters 95lb/65lbChest-to-bar pull-ups Time cap: 20 minutes

  • Thursday 1/19/23

    Workout AMRAP x 18 MINUTES 18 Alt. Step-Ups 18 Box Jump Overs 800m Run

  • Wednesday 1/18/23

    Strength Deadlift Workout 5 SETS ON A 2:00 RUNNING CLOCK… 10 Handstand Push-Ups 5 Deadlifts (315/205) Max Cal Bike w/ Time Remaining…

  • Tuesday 1/17/23

    Strength Front Squat Workout AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 3-6-9-and so on… Front Squats (115/75) Toes to Bar

  • CFML WEEKLY 1/16/23

    On Feb. 16th the CrossFit community will kick off a worldwide celebration of fitness that anyone can join – the 2023 CrossFit Games Open. Fitness is more fun with friends! Don’t you think? Grab a friend (or two!) and let’s throw down together at CFML for this 3 week challenge. Talk to your coach to […]

  • Quarterly Retest Day

    Quarterly tests are quickly approaching! A 1 day event to complete a benchmark workout in class and measure your muscle and fat.  Don’t know about the InBody Scanner??? Test Day: 1/21 – Wayne. 1/28 -Plymouth Mtg.  2/4 – Ardmore Bring a friend for a partner WOD!

  • Monday 1/16/23

    Strength 1 Snatch Pull 1 Snatch High Pull 1 Muscle Snatch Workout 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 100m Run 3 Power Snatch (135/95) 5 Burpees Over Bar