Category: WOD

  • Saturday 6.30.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Metcon Partner Up! 100 Curtis P’s (115,75) Run 2 Mile carrying medball (20,14) *One person works at a time. Rx+:(135,95) L3: (95,65) L2: (75,55) L1: (65, 35) (No medball) 40:00 Cap *Alternate Scaling 2 Mile Medball Run = 3k Row, Bike or Ski Erg Intent:  Breaking […]

  • Friday 6.29.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Strength EMOM 10 ODD Minutes: Hang Power Snatch x 3 @ 75% EVEN Minutes: Hollow Rocks x 10 Intent: Week 2 of Speed work with hang power snatch. This week we’ll superset with hollow rocks for extra anterior core work. All sets of Snatches should be […]

  • Thursday 6.28.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Strength 1a): Banded Sumo Deadlift (9×3 @ 50%) 1b) KB Squat Jumps: 3 x 5 (light!) All reps should be done light/fast/maximal height on each rep Intent: Week 1 of Speed work for the Sumo Deadlift. We’ll perform this in an EMOM fashion. The purpose of […]

  • Wednesday 6.27.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Wayne Rowing Skill Clinic 8:30pm-9:15pm Warm-up Row 500 Meters each 20 Walking Lunges 20 Hollow Rocks 60s Bear Crawl or HS Walk Metcon 50-40-30-20-10 Calorie Row Walking Lunges (L+R=2) Sit Ups Rx+: Complete 20 Ft. Handstand Walk after each round Rx: Complete 30s Static Handstand after each round 25:00 Cap *Alternate Option Rowing […]

  • Tuesday 6.26.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Wayne Rowing Skill Clinic 8:30pm-9:15pm Strength 1a) Close Grip Bench (1RM, 5,4,3,2, 100% Coach Call, Every 90s-2min – Grip just inside of shoulder width – Beginners: 5 x 5, adding 1b) Banded Pulldowns: In between sets perform 15 reps Intent: Today is geared at working to a max in close grip bench press […]

  • Monday 6.25.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Sign up on Wodify: Rowing Skill Clinic 6/26 Wayne & 6/27 Ardmore 8:30pm-915pm Strength Back Squat (4×8, focus on technique) 100% Coach Call Warm Up: 3×4 building across to workout weight Use one challenging weight for all 4 sets. Squat to below parallel Intent: Build to a heavy 8 reps, but make sure […]

  • Sunday 6.24.18 CrossFit

  • Saturday 6.23.18 CrossFit

  • Friday 6.22.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Bowling Night  at  Devon Lanes &  Wynnewood Lanes 6pm-8pm This Weekend: Quarterly InBody Scans + Re-test, Bring A Friend Summer Solstice WOD #3 The End: 1,2 & 3 2011 CrossFit Games WOD 3 Parts Scored Individually “The End 1” AMRAP 3 20 Cal Row 30 Wall Ball Shots (20,14) 20 Toes-to-Bars 30 Box […]

  • Thursday 6.21.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning – Registration Open This Weekend: Quarterly InBody Scans + Re-test, Bring A Friend Strength Hang Power Snatch (6×3 @ 70%) Complete as EMOM 12 ODD Minutes: Hang Power Snatch x 3 @70% EVEN Minutes: Bottoms-up KB Carry x 50 ft. each arm Intent: Week 1 of Speed work […]