Category: WOD

  • Friday 5.4.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: • 1st Friday Happy Hour Tonight, 5:30pm! Friday 5.4.18 WOD Strength Hang Power Clean (5×1 HPC+Push Jerk+Split Jerk @ 75%, every 60s.) Intent: Week 2 of Speed work with Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk. Work with slightly heavier loading while still maintaining efficiency. Metcon Prep 3 Rounds, every 2min […]

  • Thursday 5.3.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: 1st Friday Happy Hour tomorrow! View May Programming & Intents Strength Paused Back Squat (5×5 @ 55-63% w/ 1sec pause in bottom) 100% Coach call, every 60sec Every 2min for 4 rounds 2a) Seated Box Jumps 4×5 building height 2b) Front Rack Reverse Lunges: 4x6ea. (challenging UB weight, from rack) Intent: Today we […]

  • Wednesday 5.2.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: • 1st Friday Happy Hour this week • View May Programming & Intents Warm-up AMRAP 8 Alternating rounds with a partner Row 150 meters *Partner completes 10 air squats, 10 abmat sit-ups Metcon 1k Row 50 Wallballs (20,14) 500m Row 50 Wallballs 1k Row Rx+: UB Wall Balls Rx: 2-3 sets L2: (14,10) […]

  • Tuesday 5.1.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: • Wayne Endurance Starts! • 1st Friday Happy Hour this week • View May Programming & Intents Strength Bench Press (1RM, Every 2min 3,2,1,1,1,1,1) Intent:  Take 6-8 sets and build to a 1RM Bench press. Try to beat your previous max by 5#’s and have a plan in place before starting of how […]

  • Monday 4.30.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Weekly WOD Breakdown Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 First Friday Happy Hour 5.4 Strength Sumo Deadlift (2″ blocks” 1×1 1RM, every 2min 3,3,2,2,1.1.1) 100% Coach Call Intent: Today we are working for a max in a deadlift with the plates slightly elevated. This will allow us to work slightly heavier […]

  • Sunday 4.29.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Weekly WOD breakdown Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30   Strength “Bear Complex” Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Second Push Press This will be scored as part of the metcon today. Metcon “Katie” In 20min: 5×7 Bear Complexes for max weight Then, at the 20min mark Sprint […]

  • Saturday 4.28.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Weekly WOD breakdown Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Warm-up 2 Rounds of: 7 Power Snatch 12 Wallballs 15 Calorie Row Metcon “Mustang Sally” In teams of 3 for time: 100-80-60-40-20 Power Snatch (95,65) Wallballs (20,14) Calories on the Rower Rx:(75,55) L2: (65,45)(14,10) L1: (55,35)(10,8) Sub Row for:  Cals on Bike […]

  • Friday 4.27.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Strength 1a): Hang Power Clean (5×1 HPC+Push Jerk+Split Jerk @ 70%, every 90s.) 1b) In between sets complete 10 Banded Pulldowns Intent: Today and for the next two weeks we are working on efficient movement with hang power clean + push jerk + split jerk. […]

  • Thursday 4.26.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Strength Back Squat (5×5 @ 50% w/ 1sec. pause at the bottom) Intent: The purpose of today is to work on force development with “speed back squats”. There should be no grinding of reps even though we are pausing one each rep. You should be […]

  • Wednesday 4.24.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Weekly WOD breakdown Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Strength Accumulate: 75-Banded Pulldowns 75 Banded Leg Curls each 75 Banded Pushdowns Metcon 0:00 – 10:00 1 Mile Run Max Power Snatches (115,85) – 3min Rest – 13:00 – 20:00 800m Run Max Clean & Jerks (135,95) – 3min Rest – 23:00 […]