Category: WOD

  • Saturday 4.14.18 CrossFit

    Bring a Friend Week 4.7 – 4.15 Ardmore Running Clinic 4.17 Wayne Running Clinic 4.18 Warm-up AMRAP 7 Partner Up, follow the leader 3 reps of each Power Cleans Wallballs Pull-ups Box Jumps w. step down Barbell Rows Rope Climb (1 rep) Metcon Teams of 2 AMRAP 11 1 Legless Rope Climb 3 Power Cleans […]

  • Friday 4.13.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Bring a Friend Week 4.7 – 4.15 Ardmore Running Clinic 4.17 Wayne Running Clinic 4.18 Strength 1a: Close Grip Bench (3×3 @ 50% + 3×3 @ build to heavy) 1b) Banded Pallof Press Iso Hold, Wide Stance: 3 x 12s each side. Coach call every 2min complete 1a + 1b Intent:  Final week […]

  • Thursday 4.12.18 CrossFit

    Box Brief: Bring a Friend Week 4.7 – 4.15 Ardmore Running Clinic 4.17 Wayne Running Clinic 4.18 Strength 1a: Front Squat (4×3 @ 80%) 1b: Sumo Deadlift (4×3 @80%) Complete 1A + 1B every 2min Reset on each rep, not TNG DL Coach Call Warm Up 3 sets building to 80% Intent: Final week of […]

  • Wednesday 4.11.18 CrossFit

    Bring a Friend Week 4.7 – 4.15 Ardmore Running Clinic 4.17 Wayne Running Clinic 4.18 Strength Snatch -Coach Call, every 90s, 10×2 LIGHT Intent: Spend 15 Minutes performing technique work with the full snatch today. Keep loads light and focus on positioning. Metcon Every 3:00 x 10 Sets: 60s max distance row 60s ^^Heavy Unilateral […]

  • Tuesday 4.10.18 CrossFit

    ‘AB’RIL + Bring a friend week Strength 1a: Strict Chin-ups (Adv: Added Weight Int: Bodyweight Beg: Partner Ass) *Strict Ring Rows 1b: Weighted Ring Dips (Adv: Added Weight Int: Bodyweight Beg: Partner Ass) Weighted Strict Ring Dips Intent: Take 5 sets to build to a heavy weighted close grip chin-up and Bar dip superset (bicep […]

  • Monday 4.9.18 CrossFit

    ‘AB’RIL + Bring a friend week Strength Zercher Squat 1×1 Coach Call every 2min 2RM on 12/18/17 Beginner: 5 x 5 Intent:  Build to a max Zercher Box Squat in 8-10 sets.  Although this movement looks unorthodox to be open-minded because you’ll be surprised how effectively this movement hits your midline/upper-back. Metcon Prep 5 Rounds […]

  • Sunday 4.8.18 CrossFit

  • Saturday 4.7.18 CrossFit

  • Friday 4.6.18 CrossFit

    Strength Bench Press Coach Call, EMOM 9×3 @ 50% Change Grip every 3 sets ie. close, medium, and wide grip. Intent:  Week 2 of Speed Bench Work. Your weight should be exactly the same as last week to ensure we are being as explosive as possible each set. It may be feel light, but you […]

  • Thursday 4.5.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1a) Front Squat 4×3 @ 75% 1b) Sumo Deadlift 4×3 @75% Complete 1A + 1B every 2min Reset on each rep, not TNG DL Coach Call Warm Up 3 sets building to 70% Intent: Week 2 of Dynamic Effort work with Front Squat and Sumo Deadlift. Your weights this week should only be slightly […]